My Five point Platform

Refund the Police – We need proper and righteous Police reform, but it starts with proper funding and training. Police should be trained to be a criminal response and deterrent as much as a proactive face of the city. I believe the police should be a presence not just in response and investigation but be community members and engaged with those that live in the place they patrol. They do not need to be forced to live there but they need to be involved.

Educate Minnesota – The unions control the Education system but Minnesota needs proper and solid ability to educate our children. Parents should have the choice where their money the state sets aside for education in where it supports. I want to bring a more transparent use of the dollars allocated to their children and decide which educational source it goes to. Parents deserve to choose if their child should be indorenate in Political Social Justice communism or receive a more traditional balanced education rooted in Math, Science, and critical thinking.

Common Sense Gun Control – The best way to provide proper and good gun control is through training and not government legislation. The second amendment provides the people the keep and right to bear arms. To me the most common-sense way to have gun control is through education and training and not limiting access or allowing private citizens to remove constitutional rights.

Emergency Powers are a good thing – The fact that in times of great and extraordinary times that a Governor of a state may unilaterally and without prejudice should be allowed to bypass red tape of government and make decisions to save, support and keep a state running. I however believe that the length of determining these powers should be checked by the people through the legislature. My Plan calls for an increasingly difficult vote starting with a Simple majority affirmative vote to continue to a Unanimous vote needed to maintain these powers.

Tax the Rich – We should look to the wealthiest of MN to find the funding needed for the Minnesota Government and that is the Minnesota Government. I want to see Minnesota align more with the Federal IRS tax code and want to push forward a tax plan that makes filing taxes easier. Minnesotans should pay their fair share for the services they want to pay for. The state should audit its current budget and instead of raising taxes we should root out the waste inside government. As we find the nature of the waste and calculate the savings, we can find more money for social and supportive projects to help MN. So I propose a Tax freeze across the board. No taxes would be raised in the state and each department should be vetted and if its impossible rebuilt.